Wednesday 5 December 2012

the ace gang ;)

there's one little thing that I realize in this world.
that friends don't stay forever.
you can deny it all you want..
but still, there's surely some solid reason for my statement.
well, it is.

you see, i've been experienced it before.
in my previous school, i have been like close
to them. my whole bunch of friends, really.
yelaa lagi2 ddk asrama kan.. lagilahh close2 liddat ,hehe

but now..what happened?
nk ctct each other jauh sekaliii
even ddk ipoh sesama pun,
lps spm tu lngsng x jumpe..
masing2 pun bz..
hmm entahla.

but this one..
in kirkby..
my ace gang in kirkby ni,
lain. i think we are so close..
like really really close..
rase macam...
rapat sesangat..
dengan ....
bile dh rapat sgt ni, takut sgt..
in the future, kami x se-close ini dah..
yes, i admit,, time do envy us..
mmg x kan serupa dah haiii.. tapikan,

i honestly scared that they might not be there for me,
when i get married.. or
when i am pregnant... or
when i am having a baby...or
having the second,third and forth baby...
no,seriously dude..
risau kut...

#reasons for it :

1)bila satu hari nnti kita separate with our friends, and we get to know new people,eventually that new people will be the most we concern about rather than the old friends.

2)environment baru,x sama dgn our dearly old friend, will surely make us all different,go different.

tapi i really la hope yg i will never never ever lose them as my buddies.. don't want to lose any more friend pleaseee :'(

and ohh! not to forget... jiejie..putee and MJ...
you girls are like the stars of my heart..we can never be apart :)